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Nando Vila, Head of Studio

Vila oversees the studio’s content and production strategy, focusing on creating quality content highlighting the Hispanic experience with a global appeal and leveraging opportunities to adopt new formats and technologies to engage, reach, and entertain audiences across all platforms. Currently, Vila leads a team that is constantly mining for compelling, entertaining, engaging, and diverse stories and content to bring to and amplify among a global audience.

Under his leadership, Exile is currently developing several high-profile projects, including a partnership with George R.R. Martin’s to produce Hunter’s Run, a Lucía Puenzo-directed global series about reclaiming pre-Columbian art pieces and bringing them back to their original territory; and a queer romantic comedy led by Mexican comedian Manu Nna. He also co-produced Los Reyes del Mundo in collaboration with some of the most young and diverse from Latin America. Recently, spearheaded a deal between Exile and Trojan Horse Media to tell larger-than-life, stranger-than-fiction stories with a deeper meaning.