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Joe Schramm

Hispanic TV Summit is a unique addition to industry conferences

The Annual Hispanic Television Summit is now in its 22nd year of uninterrupted execution. For Joe Schramm, managing partner and president of Schramm Marketing Group, the event organizers along with Future Group, this achievement in longevity and growth reflects the continued need for an annual conference focused on the Hispanic TV business.

“This is further demonstrated by the ongoing commitment of sponsors and attendees who return each year. Another achievement is the growing number of new sponsors every year and the increase in high-level managers attending. These managers represent various segments of the Hispanic TV business, including advertising, media, research, marketing, production, programming, and distribution,» he notes.

Another key achievement is the rising prestige and importance of the Annual Hispanic Television Awards, presented at noon during the Summit each year.

Schramm highlights that the Hispanic TV Summit can be seen as a “unique” complement to the series of conferences serving this industry.

“We fill a space focused on the end-user: Hispanic viewers. Other conferences focus on B2B relationships with brands, agencies, digital influencers, content creators, or content deals. Meanwhile, the Hispanic Television Summit focuses on money-making opportunities that drive the business of delivering TV directly to Hispanic viewers/consumers. Our focus is on media buying, audience, subscriptions, and content distribution to the viewer. As a result, we provide business leaders in the Hispanic media and entertainment industry with a vital part of the broader conversation,” he highlighted.

Schramm believes streaming has had a very positive effect on the growth and development of the Hispanic TV industry. “The Summit has featured streaming platforms on panels and has even awarded streaming and digital platforms (like Pluto TV and YouTube), as well as innovative executives in the market. For example, this year, two of the honorees are directly involved in streaming businesses,” he pointed out.

He notes that the Summit will directly benefit from the current state of the TV market, “which is expanding at an unprecedented pace and enjoying a golden age of original productions. I am confident the Summit will continue to focus on these key topics.”