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Giovanni Gantiva

RCN: The RCN Total App is our major bet for the future

Giovanni Gantiva, who was the creative director of RCN Televisión for five years, has taken on the challenge of leading Marketing and Communications for the RCN Total app and RCN’s International Channels.

“The RCN Total app is our major bet for the future. It’s the application where we concentrate all the best content from RCN Televisión. We have strategically implemented RCN Total over the last six months, starting in Spain and Mexico, and then expanding worldwide, except for Colombia and the U.S.,” Gantiva said.

He noted that they are in the testing phase with select audiences in different territories worldwide—about 15,000 users—to optimize the consumer experience and the app’s interface before our mass launch in the U.S. market. “We are dedicated to our key communities, especially Colombian and Venezuelan migrants, offering relevant content that meets their expectations and needs,” he stated.

RCN Total is currently available on iOS and Android systems, allowing users to access content from various mobile devices and on the web from any browser by visiting rcntotal.com. “We are also in the process of integrating with Comcast to distribute RCN Total to its users, expanding the reach of our content. On streaming devices, we are currently developing versions for Roku (46% market share in the U.S.), Samsung (12.8% global market share), and LG (7.4% global market share), strengthening our market presence. In the future, we also plan to develop an Apple TV version,” he added.


Gantiva mentioned that RCN Total offers more than 35,000 hours of content per year, including streaming and on-demand. “Our users enjoy live content such as the two seasons of Colombian Professional Soccer with the Liga BetPlay, four daily news broadcasts from Noticias RCN, 24-hour sports coverage from Win Sports, and all the programming from our four RCN linear channels, which include NTN24, Nuestra Tele Internacional, RCN Novelas, and Win Sports,” he noted.

RCN Total also offers a selection of on-demand productions that have left a significant mark on audiences, such as La Hija del Mariachi, Chepe Fortuna, and Hasta Que La Plata Nos Separe. “It offers more than 30 titles of telenovelas and series that define our programming, as well as 20 varied movies for all tastes so that both new viewers and long-time fans can enjoy our content,” Gantiva mentioned.

The RCN Total app will be launched massively in the U.S.

The RCN Total app will be launched massively in the U.S.


RCN’s three subscription TV channels reach 23 million households worldwide, with 37% of that audience being Hispanics living in the U.S.

Nuestra Tele Internacional reaches 8 million households (3 million in the U.S.), RCN Novelas reaches 6 million households (2 million in the U.S.), and NTN24 reaches 9 million households (3.5 million in the U.S.).

“In the U.S. market, we maintain ongoing agreements with the main cable operators, including Charter, DIRECTV, Comcast, Dish, fuboTV, and Altice Cablevision, ensuring broad coverage,” he stated.


For Nuestra Tele Internacional, the company has developed special coverage with transmedia formats like Destino América, offering all the information about what’s happening around the Copa América, including cities, gastronomy, and must-see destinations.

Additionally, in collaboration with government entities, they co-created *32 Regionalmente Nuestro*, a series highlighting the most beautiful places in Colombia.

“We continue to offer a variety of programming, including live broadcasts of the two seasons of Colombian Professional Soccer with La Liga BetPlay, news from Colombia and the world with Noticias RCN, series, telenovelas, magazines, political and sports opinion, among others. On RCN Novelas, we continue to offer the captivating stories our audience appreciates,” he said.

He added that for the news channel NTN24, they have strengthened the news programs La Mañana and La Tarde. Analysis and opinion shows like La Noche with Claudia Gurisatti remain essential for informing the audience about local and international realities, providing in-depth and relevant analysis of current issues.

Watch a promo of the RCN Total