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Gustavo Aparicio

Spanglish Audiences: Bridging the gap to U.S. Hispanic audiences in CTV

Spanglish Audiences, the CTV programmatic advertising unit of Spanglish Movies, is uniquely positioned to help advertisers and content creators authentically engage U.S. Hispanic audiences in the CTV ecosystem.


-Reaching Underserved Minority Audiences

Spanglish Audiences leverages its SmartCuration platform to deliver culturally relevant messages to the right Hispanic viewers at the right time. By moving beyond traditional CTV audience bundles, Spanglish Audiences enables precise ad targeting based on audience interests and behaviors.

-Tailoring Programming for Minority Audiences

Spanglish Movies brings targeted reach and cultural understanding to tailor CTV content for Hispanic audiences. As a leader in content creation and publishing for the Hispanic market, Spanglish Movies ensures that programming resonates with the diverse cultural backgrounds and preferences of U.S. Hispanics.

-Leveraging Data and Analytics

The company’s data-enriched CTV advertising solutions, combined with Spanglish Movies’ deep audience insights, allow advertisers to understand and engage Hispanic viewers in ways not possible with traditional measurement. Spanglish Audiences provides a comprehensive view of Hispanic audience segments and their viewing behaviors.

-Engaging Minority Audiences Through CTV

With access to over 200 top filmmakers, Spanglish Audiences empowers advertisers to develop culturally relevant and authentic creative that reflects the diversity of Hispanic viewers. Interactive ad formats and advanced targeting capabilities enable personalized storytelling that fosters meaningful connections with minority audiences.

-Successful CTV Campaign Case Studies

The Burger King + Juan Luis Guerra Captain Avispa campaign, powered by Spanglish Movies, showcases the impact of precision-targeted CTV advertising. By pinpointing specific Hispanic demographics, the campaign achieved significant lifts in engagement and efficiency, demonstrating the power of culturally relevant CTV strategies.

-Ensuring Diverse Representation in Content

Spanglish Movies’ role as a leading content creator and distributor for the Hispanic market ensures a steady pipeline of diverse, culturally relevant programming. Spanglish Audiences enables CTV platforms to package this premium inventory, expanding the representation of Hispanic voices and experiences.

-Improving CTV Access for Minority Communities

Spanglish Audiences’ direct integrations with virtually every ad-supported streaming service, publisher, and app streamline premium access and culturally relevant CTV inventory. This flattened supply path improves transparency and reach, ensuring that Hispanic audiences are accurately represented and served.

-Understanding Minority Audience Viewing Behaviors

Hispanics over-index in CTV viewership compared to the general population. Streaming represents 43% of their total TV viewing versus 35% for all adults. Spanglish Audiences’ granular audience data provides advertisers with actionable insights into the unique viewing preferences and behaviors of Hispanic CTV audiences.

Hispanics over-index in CTV viewership

-Essential Partnerships and Collaborations

The strategic partnership between Spanglish Movies, mobile companies such as Claro, world-class ad tech developers, and data suppliers including Comscore, Experian, L2 Political, and IPSOS exemplifies the type of collaboration needed to effectively reach Hispanic audiences in CTV. Combining advanced ad tech with authentic cultural expertise creates a comprehensive solution that advertisers can trust.

-Addressing Potential Biases in Recommendation Algorithms

By prioritizing culturally relevant content and enabling precise audience targeting, Spanglish Audiences helps mitigate potential biases in CTV recommendation algorithms. Exposing Hispanic viewers to a wider range of representative content fosters a more inclusive and engaging CTV experience.


“Spanglish Audiences is revolutionizing CTV advertising’s ability to connect with U.S. Hispanic audiences. Through a powerful combination of sophisticated technology, cultural expertise, and premium inventory, Spanglish Audiences empowers advertisers and content creators to authentically engage this influential and fast-growing consumer segment,” noted Gustavo Aparicio, CEO of Spanglish Movies.