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Sebastián Jiménez

Staying true to Latino roots and offering a glimpse of the American dream

For JK Media Group, the key to achieving representation of Latino voices and talents in US productions is “being authentic to their roots and their fans, giving audiences a deep look into the realization of the American dream”.

«We’ve been fortunate to collaborate with highly successful talent who resonate deeply with US Hispanic audiences. Our original productions prioritize authentic storytelling and feature talent who organically connect with their fans through social media, music, concerts, and cultural events,» said Sebastián Jiménez, CEO of JK Media Group.

Chiquis sin Filtro‘ is one of our shows, with 10 episodes in season one. The show is filmed in both Mexico and USA. “Chiquis is very proud of her Mexican heritage and we show that through the places she visits and people she meets,” he noted.

He emphasized that having US Hispanic talent offers tremendous potential for engagement, as they are bilingual and bicultural 200%, “they connect with audiences on both sides of the border.”

Jiménez mentioned that US Hispanic talent is beginning to become more present in English language productions. “We had a boom of content production for US Latinos in recent years that helped push our culture in so many different ways. We must continue to help each other, Latinos and US Hispanics have a very strong influence on society overall.”


Chiquis sin Filtro

Chiquis sin Filtro

He said that when producing content, JK Media Group needs to make sure their talent is surrounded by knowledgeable creatives and crew. “If we are doing regional Mexican we want to make sure our team is knowledgeable but also authentically passionate about the subject we will be focusing on.”

Regarding the role that audiences play with their feedback in shaping the type of productions they create for US Hispanics, he indicated that the comments they receive through social platforms help them to shape content for the future. “We can see what fans watch, what they love, and what creates buzzworthy and viral content. We can use this social data to better understand our audiences.”

He added that content is becoming increasingly universal, and global audiences are more receptive to foreign programming. ‘We must continually monitor the international landscape to understand how content is circulating and what factors contribute to a show’s global success.”

Regarding trends, Jiménez stated that with Chiquis sin Filtro on VIX, “we’ve not only showcased Chiquis’ authentic world but also offered a deeply authentic experience for her audience. They navigate both worlds, both cultures, constantly switching between languages with everyday people who share Latino passion, whether they’re in Los Angeles, Tijuana, Mexico City, or any other location where we can organically bring our productions to entertain and educate the world about our identity and passions.”